Tag (TAG) in a Thesis Statement

Tag (TAG) in a Thesis Statement

Is writing academic papers just a pain in the neck for you? Don’t worry, we know how to help you to get rid of any pain of such kind. Let’s start from the beginning. The key element of any text is a thesis statement. It is the core of the paper.

Any academic paper is considered complete and well-structured only with a clear thesis statement. Thesis statement itself consists of the TAG. Do you know what it is? TAG is an acronym, and can be explained as Title, Author, and Genre. The TAG is a tool used in teaching students how to create a good thesis statement.

At the beginning of any educational experience, first thing you do is to get to know some of the terms used in a particular subject area. Thus, besides TAG, you should also learn such two terms as PEEL and IMRAD. PEEL is for Point, Explain, Evaluate, and Link; while IMRAD stands for Introduction, Methods, Results, Analysis, and Discussion. 

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PEEL can be used in all possible types of essays, though IMRAD is not used but in more structurally complex papers as, for example, research and term papers, different projects, dissertations, etc.

How to Include the TAG (Title, Author, and Genre) in Your Thesis

Before starting to write your thesis statement including the TAG, let us first have a close look at what these three elements actually mean, and how you can use them in your paper.


Letters of each new word in the title of any paper should be complete and capitalized. For example, in the title “Pride and Prejudice,” the only not capitalized word is “and” as it is a conjunction; all the rest of the words should be capitalized.

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This point is pretty obvious. Author’s name consists of the first and the last names. You have to include both of them. If you want to refer to the author in your text later on, you should use only their last name. Please note that if you indicate the author before the TAG (thesis statement), you can mention only author’s last name in the thesis statement.


You may be required to write your paper in different genres. For example, a biography, an autobiography, an essay, a short story, a poem, a non-fictional narrative, etc. Thus, it is of paramount importance to consider the genre and its requirements. Some genres are really easy to write on, though for others you need to do some research, gather data, and explain. 

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Implying each of the stated above elements (title, author, and genre) in your paper, you need to present your ideas fluently and logically. Some students forget about fluency and order, and it looks as if they just “throw” all their ideas in sentences. As a result, the paper is really poor and inconsistent.

Now you know the main secret of what makes a good academic paper. Thus, experiment and develop strong thesis statement with its key element – the TAG: title, author, and genre. Consider all these three points and get satisfaction from writing. Good luck!

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