How to Use Instagram Easily

How to Use Instagram Easily

Instagram has won the hearts of many users. Today it is used not only for personal pages but for business as well. Developers constantly add new features and improve it. Here are some tips on how to use Instagram more effectively.

Work with Filters

In order to make your photos more vivid, social network suggests using different filters. You customize them for yourself. Since not all of them are used in work, it is worth simply removing unnecessary ones. To do this, click on the filter and hold it a bit, and then slide your finger from the bottom up.

If you do not want to delete anything, just change the order of filters, first putting those that you use more often. To do this, go to the "Settings," click on the filter you need and drag it to the desired location in the list that will open to you.

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Edit Photos before Posting

If you already have a picture, and the signature to it has not yet been invented, do not rush to delete the photo. It will be automatically loaded into the draft. The program will ask you if you want to save the photo as a draft or not.

How to Get more Likes

What can be done on Instagram to increase the number of likes? Following Facebook, Instagram introduced a new algorithm that shows posts not in chronological order, but in the rank of involvement. You do not need to upload a few pictures in a row. It is worth paying attention to the ratio of likes and the number of your subscribers. In this regard, it is better to get rid of bots.

Filter the Comments

This technique is often used by celebrities, who are often criticized. If you get bored of indecent comments or advertising, you can easily activate comment checking. As a result, unnecessary reviews will be deleted automatically. It is quite simple to do this, go to the main page of the profile, and choose the settings. Click on "Comments" and "Hide inappropriate comments." You will also need to specify words that you do not want to see.

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How to Work with Hashtags

You can use no more than 30 hashtags in the publication. It should be noted that too many hashtags look bad. Therefore, you just need to disguise them. You can do it as follows, add a photo, description and publish it, and then you can specify all the necessary hashtags in the first comment under the picture.

How to Clear Your Search History

Probably, many people know about the fact that Instagram saves the search history. However, not everyone knows how to clear it. To do this, you need to go to the settings and find the "Clear search history" function. Testimonials

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