7 Intriguing Stories for Detective Connoisseurs

7 Intriguing Stories for Detective Connoisseurs

If you’re reading this article that means you’ve seen Sherlock Holmes movies and series more than once. I agree very few writers can compete with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. However, there must be other masterpieces of detective stories to enjoy. My investigation revealed 8 cases that are worth your attention. Which one will be found guilty for its brilliance?

Immortal Detective Classic

C. Auguste Dupin Series by Edgar Allan Poe

French charm and mysterious atmosphere take you back to the middle of the 19-th century. That was the time when Edgar Allan Poe introduced the detective C. Auguste Dupin to his readers. If you’re a fan of Sherlock Holmes you’ll enjoy the style of these stories.

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The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

Another 19-th century detective novel that will impress your imagination is The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins. The whole kaleidoscope of events related to the extravagant parties, stolen gems, marriage, drugs, and a fantastic investigator won’t leave you indifferent.

Fer De Lance by Rex Stout

Rex Stout presented us a genius detective Nero Wolfe and left his 33 books legacy. The story leads us to the crime scenes in New York. The intrigue will keep you awake whole night.

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Have you heard about the legendary Hercule Poirot? The classical plot of the novel tells about the troublesome case only the best investigator can solve.

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Bleak House by Charles Dickens

Bleak House is a standout amongst the most complex and longest Dickens’ stories. Despite the fact that it's not a completely detective novel, it is unquestionably a must-read to your collection.

Lady Audley’s Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

The main hero becomes a detective to reveal the truth about his wife’s uncle. Love, intrigue, and interrogation make the story impossible to resist.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

A pure pleasure is to read this masterpiece by Robert Louis Stevenson. Mr. Utterson is not a professional detective. Even if you guess the ending of the story, the incredible progress of the investigation will fascinate you.

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Bonus: The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale

It’s not classic since the book came out in 2009. However, if you’re up to something new it’s a stellar story. Especially, if you're the enthusiast of Sherlock and adore fascinating stories, I ensure that you will love it!

Enjoy this evening with a cup of tea and a good detective story.

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